Osmanthus Burkwoodii - The Fragrant and The Medicinal

Osmanthus burkwoodii, sometimes referred to as the Imperial Lotus Blossom Tree, is known for its beautiful fragrance. This flowering tree is not only a breath of fresh air, but also has a long history of medicinal use. In traditional Chinese medicine, the flowers have been used for centuries to treat various illnesses including fever, rheumatism, bronchitis and coughs. See how this Asian plant can benefit you in this article!

1. The best time to plant Osmanthus Burkwoodii

The tree is evergreen and is at its most beautiful in spring when its clusters of small white flowers are in bloom. The tree can be trimmed and trained to form a small tree or a large shrub. It is also the best time to plant the Osmanthus Burkwoodii in an outdoor garden.


Osmanthus plants respond well to direct sun, warm hours, and drought. The blooms can be beautifully magnified when left out in the sun for a few weeks. Propagation involves one growing season for seedlings and another for seedlings that need watering, and then repeat the cycle throughout the year. Both cold and dry situations cause the blooms to shrivel up and drop off.

Specific varieties of Osmanthus that grow outdoors include philodendron, aloe and ash. The best way to identify the variety of Osmanthus you find is to look for the distinctive white bloom with several smaller, waxy green blooms. The caraway color of the blooms can also help you identify the variety.

Osmanthus can grow well in containers indoors and outdoors if provided with some water and soil. If you’re looking to enjoy this spectacular plant indoors, start by purchasing the appropriate sized pot. The proper pot size is between 1-5’', and the ideal establishment temperature is 65-76oF.

2. How to care for your Osmanthus Burkwoodii

The osmanthus burkwoodii is a fragrant flower that is used as an essential oil. To care for the plant, let it grow in bright, but indirect sunlight. The plant should be watered regularly and fertilized once a month.

Willow bark ( compos. willoweaus) also known as Sweet Willow is a popular ingredient used in the manufacture of perfumes, cosmes, and incense. The fragrant liquid combines with the lavender oil to create a wonderful aroma which is great for cooking.

If you are looking to decorate your kitchen look no further than this versatile plant. The wood has been widely used. The bird of paradise’s nest has been used to decorate cookware for thousands of years. It’s also commonly used as a storage container. We like to use this little plant as a focal point in our space. Use the twigs to frame a shelf or use them to make big vases or cocktail tables.

 Perform this small bill that is bound to make your guests say “wow!”. In the kitchen, it is a perfect addition to our spice rack or be used to whip up a velvety mushroom caramel sauce. From pots to tables to tea light stands, they are sure to bring a wow factor to any room. Willow bark also makes a great replacement for hand sanitizer.

This plant is excellent for keeping bees and birds safe from harmful pesticides. It has attractive, tropical looking flowers which must be pollinated to reach maturity. If you are not lucky enough to live near an abundance of flowers, you can grow this shrub indoors for a year.

Can you tell the bees have arrived? Here to help is the aptly named Tree of Happiness. This fragrant and attractive plant is an ideal companion to many bees. The bees find this plant especially abundant during spring and summer when bees are most active.

The milkweed plant ( melaleuca alternifolia) has long been used as a treatment for a wide range of illnesses.

3. Tips and tricks for harvesting the flowers

The last step is to harvest and dry your flowers. Make sure you’re harvesting your flowers at the right time, otherwise, they won’t be as potent. Harvesting too early will make your flowers lose their potency and harvesting too late will make them lose their flavour.The combination of the dried flower and oil can be used as an astringent or toner. For some people with sensitive skin, the oil from the flower is also a great cleanser and moisturizer.

The tissue in the flower contains various beneficial compounds called coumarin. The oil in the flower has also been shown to inhibit gut bacteria and prevent their overgrowth. To reap this natural health benefit, make sure to eat the bloom when it’s young and infertile. Sometimes called the yellow bee plant, it’s probably best to avoid harvesting your Osmanthus until it is at least 2 years old once the flower does start to turn brown.

After you harvest your flowers, dry your Osmanthus with a kitchen linen, a jelly jar, or a paper bag. They will keep for months in a dark cupboard or pantry.

It is easy to forget that besides being all about the flowers, this tree also has a long history of culinary use. In East Asia, this plant has been used for a long time for flavoured and medicinal teas. Those that have tried it swear by the use of the dried flower essence. These teas are sweet and delicious with a hint of spice.

Use arrowroot powder or standard root-tea blend to make a tea with a little cinnamon and ginger to give the tea a little zing. Alternatively, blend some dried Osmanthus flower petals with ground cinnamon and ground ginger to create an infusion for a cold winter afternoon.

It is very humid during the summer months in Korea and is very common for people to walk their dogs in the morning to avoid a wet morning.

Conclusion: Osmanthus Burkwoodii is a great source of beauty and health, and it is easy to grow at home! With proper care, you can enjoy your own blossoming tree!

Osmanthus Burkwoodii, also known as the sweet olive tree, is a flowering tree that blooms in the autumn and winter. The sweet olive tree is native to Southeast Asia, China, and Northern India, and it is often used in traditional medicine for its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties.Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) uses various ingredients to treat disease in the body. These can include elements like extracts, plants, and soil from both nature and the human body. There is evidence that note a person’s diet and environment affect their susceptibility to disease. For example; a diet high in saturated fats (found mainly in animal products), has been linked to heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Over-consumption of alcohol has also been linked with diseases like cancer and neurodegenerative disease. One way to combat these conditions is to change one’s diet.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) uses various ingredients to treat disease in the body.

Another example would be how antioxidant components naturally occurring in foods can counteract free radical damage caused by a lack of antioxidants. Certain plants (mostly vegetables) contain compounds like ascorbic acid which can help improve the function of antioxidant enzymes in the body.

It is not uncommon for people to experience dry mouth or throat. These symptoms are known as “throat dryness”. Mineral water helps bring fluid and help build tissue under the lining of the throat. This helps to reduce and relieve symptoms.

Fiber also aids in helping control blood sugar levels, which is beneficial for people experiencing sugar cravings, such as after breakfast. Foliar sprays can also be effective for people with dry mouth and throat.

People with eczema may experience skin redness and scratching. Leaves and shoots from this plant have antistatic and anti-inflammatory properties which can help ease itching and soreness.

It is common to feel a loss of energy during the cold winter months. Luckily, plants strongly adhere to the soil and thus can absorb and release toxins from within our bodies.


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