
Osmanthus Burkwoodii - The Fragrant and The Medicinal

Osmanthus burkwoodii, sometimes referred to as the Imperial Lotus Blossom Tree, is known for its beautiful fragrance. This flowering tree is not only a breath of fresh air, but also has a long history of medicinal use. In traditional Chinese medicine, the flowers have been used for centuries to treat various illnesses including fever, rheumatism, bronchitis and coughs. See how this Asian plant can benefit you in this article! 1. The best time to plant Osmanthus Burkwoodii The tree is evergreen and is at its most beautiful in spring when its clusters of small white flowers are in bloom. The tree can be trimmed and trained to form a small tree or a large shrub. It is also the best time to plant the Osmanthus Burkwoodii in an outdoor garden. Certification Osmanthus plants respond well to direct sun, warm hours, and drought. The blooms can be beautifully magnified when left out in the sun for a few weeks. Propagation involves one growing season for seedlings and another for seedlings that...

The Benefits of Osmanthus Burkwoodii: Are They Real

The fruity, flowery aroma and delicate taste of the Osmanthus plant has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years. But is it actually beneficial for you to be drinking O.Burkwoodii tea, or burning its leaves in an incense burner? We've investigated the health benefits and side effects of this fragrant plant. 1. The story of one scientist's quest for the truth about Osmanthus “The story of one scientist’s quest for the truth about Osmanthus” by @DerekThompson is a must-read on the power of storytelling in business.  In traditional Chinese medicine, the O. Burkwoodii plant (Osmanthus macrophylla) is used for everything from slowing your heart rate to relieving morning stiffness. In fact, there are 23 documented uses for this plant as part of traditional Chinese medicine, including: According to Cheng Xiao, a hypnotherapist based in Taiwan, the popular flavoured tea called O. Burkwoodii is guaranteed to stimulate the lymphatic system and relieve congestion. ...

How to Grow Osmanthus Burkwoodii Plants

Osmanthus Burkwoodii is a beautiful flowering plant that is native to China and Japan. In some parts of Asia, the plant is used as an herbal remedy. It has a sweet fragrance and can be used in many ways for decoration purposes. Here in the United States, Osmanthus species are found in the Sonoma Coast Ranges and coast regions from California northward into Washington. They have been recognized under the federal Plant Family Act as “threatened plants.” Sennigeroides alsinoides and S. fasciatus are two species of undescribed species in California. The undescribed species are included in the list of 63 threatened plants by the Department of Agriculture. The southern people considered these plants pests and used them to treat skin conditions. Osmanthus plants have excellent drainage qualities requiring little watering. Spreading spiky seeds in the soil provides for successful germination. I probably spent seven or eight days in my small apartment implementing my new-found love of this pla...

Why Plant an Osmanthus Burkwoodii

Osmanthus is a shrub which you will find all over the UK, however its native to western Europe. However, unlike many other British plants, this shrub is drought tolerant and can grow well all year round. Additionally, this shrub is often found in places where other plants struggle to cope with drought such as on the edge of a flood plain, in rocky outcrops, in wasteland after a storm, and even after winter flooding. Osmanthus is even hardy enough to survive in the harshest conditions. If you’ve ever got a bit of time to spare, I recommend planting an Osmanthus in your garden. What are the benefits? Why Plant an Osmanthus Burkwoodii ? The only reason to plant this shrub is if it: is going to bring some serious beauty to your yard. has a very low maintenance requirement, particularly in terms of water requirements. is native to your location and therefore requires no importation of nursery stock (only the seed). If one or more of these benefits are true, then I recommend that you plant O...

Osmanthus Burkwoodii for Sale UK

Osmanthus burkwoodii in pot, If you see this plant growing among the bushes or even on uneven concrete, don’t be alarmed the spadice is a very peaceful tropical plant that requires very little care. The evergreen glossy glossy-green foliage is accompanied by showy fragrant pink or purple young cones. It loves full sun and partial shade and in which case it will continue its interesting show during winter. being hardy in Britain and Ireland, it is probably the best evergreen shrub but may do well in colder climates as far south as Devon.  Senecio laevis or Laevis senecio is a member of the same family as the spadice, however it has almost no scent and grows a lot less slowly then its more famous relative. Osmanthus Viesbeckii or Viesbeckia or Viesbeckia arboricola is a vigorous gentle loving evergreen shrub with glossy green and creamy yellow contrasting veins that climbs high into the clouds. in pot | oso viesbeckii in pot | oso senecio in pot | oso spadice in pot | oso viereckii i...

Osmanthus Burkwoodii for Sale

Osmanthus burkwoodii on wall plant list. Native to North America it is a heavy woody shrub to just over a metre high, with glossy green leaves and a long trailing creeping rhizome, widely spreading in the wild. The fruit is edible when heavily powdered and hence this shrub is kept in compacted, wet soil and often suits renaissance style properties. Osmanthus species have been used as forage or as a wood preservative locally, specifically to treat gooseberries and other similar, inedible berries. Its wood has been implicated in treatment of psoriasis and Interstitial Cystitis. A fine annual or short perennial grass, it blooms in summer, reaching its fruiting, heart shaped head in June. Likely best used in conjunction with a cattle pasture. The small grains of wheat will provide a nutritious food source if done right. Try spreading the runners after the flowers emerge. In doing so, you stop other annual grasses creeping into your seed bed and sharing the pollen. We know they look like t...

How do you grow Osmanthus Burkwoodii

The blooms create wonderful cupid’s arrows. They are often mistaken for a genuine rose because the flowers look similar.  Take a closer look at the picture below to see if you can recognize the rose shape and these beautiful, fragrant pink roses. Osmanthus isn’t a very common plant, but if you place a plant outside during the winters and don’t observe any other visitors, you might just have a surprise waiting for you on Easter Sunday. Osmanthus species tend to get taller than those of other species. They are often 25 to 50 years old (they are all true green perennials). The average bloom-time for Osmanthus is from spring to late summer. Unlike roses and rhododendron, which bloom all year, they prefer humidity and cold weather. The foliage is also very fragrant when young. It is soft and creamy, very similar to rose hips. And yes, among the many sexual calls and nicknames devised by people who are fascinated by this plant, there is one that sounds exactly like the name of a movie we...