The Benefits of Osmanthus Burkwoodii: Are They Real

The fruity, flowery aroma and delicate taste of the Osmanthus plant has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years. But is it actually beneficial for you to be drinking O.Burkwoodii tea, or burning its leaves in an incense burner? We've investigated the health benefits and side effects of this fragrant plant. 1. The story of one scientist's quest for the truth about Osmanthus “The story of one scientist’s quest for the truth about Osmanthus” by @DerekThompson is a must-read on the power of storytelling in business. In traditional Chinese medicine, the O. Burkwoodii plant (Osmanthus macrophylla) is used for everything from slowing your heart rate to relieving morning stiffness. In fact, there are 23 documented uses for this plant as part of traditional Chinese medicine, including: According to Cheng Xiao, a hypnotherapist based in Taiwan, the popular flavoured tea called O. Burkwoodii is guaranteed to stimulate the lymphatic system and relieve congestion. ...