How do you grow Osmanthus Burkwoodii

The blooms create wonderful cupid’s arrows. They are often mistaken for a genuine rose because the flowers look similar. Take a closer look at the picture below to see if you can recognize the rose shape and these beautiful, fragrant pink roses. Osmanthus isn’t a very common plant, but if you place a plant outside during the winters and don’t observe any other visitors, you might just have a surprise waiting for you on Easter Sunday. Osmanthus species tend to get taller than those of other species. They are often 25 to 50 years old (they are all true green perennials). The average bloom-time for Osmanthus is from spring to late summer. Unlike roses and rhododendron, which bloom all year, they prefer humidity and cold weather. The foliage is also very fragrant when young. It is soft and creamy, very similar to rose hips. And yes, among the many sexual calls and nicknames devised by people who are fascinated by this plant, there is one that sounds exactly like the name of a movie we...